Blogging Awards: Vote for Me (Pretty Please)

So most of you on here don’t know who the hell I am in real life. You may well walk past me on the way to work/school everyday (but let’s be honest probably not). But really, I’m not a shout about my *brilliance* from the rooftop type person (oh, well apart from THAT post) but that’s why blogging is so brilliant, I can do crazy things like begging for your vote and not have to actually look (most of you) in the eye afterwards.

Apparently there are tonnes of blogging awards at this time of the year (who knew, certainly not me). But suddenly bloggers here, there and everywhere are asking for your vote for them for all sorts of awards. So I thought I’d join the unashamedly begging bloggers group (it’s not an actual group but perhaps I should set one up).

Let’s be honest I have like 113 followers on FB and even less on twitter so given they have like 200,000 voters pus I’m not actually angling to win anything, but you know, it might help get my name passed around a bit. And incase it makes you feel any better, I have actually voted for some other bloggers too.

Obviously feel free to put me forward for any award you see fit (I can’t remember when the Nobel Peace Prize application deadline is I’m afraid). But here is my short list of upcoming blogging awards that I’d *love* to be nominated for. I’ve even given you links below to save you time.

Brit Mums Brilliance in Blogging (BiBs) Awards (nomination deadline 13th April)

Here’s some suggestions of which categories you might think I fit in.

Writer – because, well, I have less typos than your average blogger and occasionally people seem to think it’s good shit that I write. Others, no doubt, think I swear too much but there you go.

Family – because, my son and I are trying hard to re-write what a family looks like in the modern world, it often feels like an emotional uphill battle so I’d love that more people thought of mixed race, single parent families as just another version of a perfect (very) little family. That’s why I’m sharing my story warts and all so others can also realise they are not alone.

Readers’ Choice – because this is for people who don’t really fit in and my blog doesn’t really seem to ‘fit in’ anywhere from what I can see so perhaps I can go here.

Here is the BiBs nomination formit only takes a couple of mins to complete (you don’t have to nominate someone in all categories, but you can if you want!)

And just because I’m nice, here is some of the key info you will need for the form:

Blog name: Ellamental Mama
Blog URL:
Twitter ID:

Bloggers email:

Plus you get to choose which of my posts is your favourite.

Huge thanks to anyone who does vote for me – I’ll be sure to mention you in the acceptance speech.

If you enjoyed doing that, there are more blogging awards here just crying out for some votes for little old me too….

MAD (Mum and Dad) Blogging Awards (nomination deadline 8th April)

They have a Best Writer award too ,and even better yet, a Best New Blog award – because, well, I really am super new and no-one can disagree with that!

Thanks again peeps – on a serious note, I do really appreciate it.

And in less shameless self-promotion news, here are some other blogs that I’ve nominated because I think they are fab so you may also want to check them out.


Tots 100 Awards

2 comments on “Blogging Awards: Vote for Me (Pretty Please)

  1. OOH just seen this! Thank you very much for nominating me. It’s such a nightmare having to request votes from everyone. I’ve been too embarrassed to even ask my family to vote for me so far!

    • Haha, I know. I saw a couple of blogs about why you should just ask people to vote and thought sod it! I liked your style of blog on it though, much more original than my begging approach! Most of my family don’t know I blog, maybe if I get nominated I’ll tell them about it 😉

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