That Moment When You See Your Ex’s Wedding Photo

ex's wedding photoI’d convinced myself that I was OK with him remarrying. That I didn’t give a shit. And I don’t, give a shit that is, in many ways. But to see how he’s moved on. To see how he has a new life. One that involves happiness, even if that’s not the only story. When I saw my ex’s wedding photo there is no denying that it hurt. It hurt like hell.

It often feels like my life does not involve happiness. I know that isn’t true. I know that I am, in many ways, one of the luckiest people alive (and certainly more lucky than the dead). My days often involve happy moments. But happy moments are different to a sense of happiness and contentment. They are very different.

Whilst I feel I have moved on, seeing that photo I’m angry. Not sad or regretful, but angry. Angry that someone can be so heartless to another human being. Angry that I chose a man who was, as it turned out, heartless. That anger that I’ve been trying so hard to quell is back with a vengeance. I’m jealous that I can’t be an emotional illiterate who doesn’t know how to treat people. If I didn’t give a fuck life would be so much easier. I’d probably be remarried myself by now.

But I’m not, that’s why when I suffer a relationship breakdown I go through this. Whilst he gets sunshine and blue skies and some woman who’s crazy enough to marry him.

I’ve kept well clear. I’ve wanted to warn her. Not warn her off you see, but warn her. Who would want another woman to go through this pain? But I don’t. Who would believe that it wasn’t just bitterness? Who would believe that it wasn’t just my way of warning her off? I’m sure I’d have thought the same if I was in her position. No doubt she believes it’s the start of a good relationship. It ain’t. I’ve been there. The relentless emotional abuse he will put you through sooner or later will not be good.

I have unmmed and arrhhed about calling it that, about calling it abuse, for years. But what else is it when someone tells you you’re a horrid person. That you have a bad vibe. That you are a no good mother. Over and over again. To the point you take years to recognise it as abuse and rather think perhaps you actually were just those things. When you’re still so quick to believe maybe you are those things. No-one is perfect, we all have dark sides, so perhaps that’s mine.

But I was nice.

And I am a great mum.

It makes it even worse to think that here I am, writing these posts about how I’m struggling. That I am actually struggling. And I shouldn’t be. Not that I should be doing it with him instead, this whole parenting thing. No. But I should be doing it with someone. That if I hadn’t said yes to that silly little question all those years ago, then I wouldn’t be here now. I wouldn’t be struggling. Or maybe I would. But for now I can believe that I wouldn’t be.

As I allow the thoughts to expand in my mind a feeling of sickness churns up inside me. How could someone who cannot function enough to have a positive relationship with his son, function enough to remarry. How could he not be trying to work on the most important relationship of them all. How could that seem like a valid way to prioritise his life.

Then, in the morning I am greeted with a toddler who, having been sick in the night, now requires the liquid like shit to be washed off his legs and PJs. And I remember, I’m a whole lot happier here, doing this, than there with those fake blue skies.

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6 comments on “That Moment When You See Your Ex’s Wedding Photo

  1. I can completely understand where you are coming from,I felt angry because he had been seeing some for some time while I did the stay at home mother thing,never went out. While he did exactly what he wanted,he told het I was a fat ugly lump,I met her and showed her otherwise.he was a heavy drinker and put me in a women’s refuge with his physical and emontional abuse..he was never interested un the kids,I had the last six years I met someone else and had two children,my ex did not like me meeting someone else and now has taken the now teenagers and warped thier minds,? he has managed to convince the courts he is ok..its all been about control..if I had stayed on my own he wud of bern happy thinking he cud of come in and out of my life,I threw him out back in 2008..i felt a huge weight more abuse,I wanted to warn the other woman,but I know in time his other character will come out ,she will see teenage girls now call me a bitch,they live bear my father who I reported for sexually abusing me at 14..but no he’s told my girls I am a sick daythe truth will out and I can have my children back again,he is rich and promised them anything,.very sad..people use children to get back st thier partner ex.

    • Jude, that sounds super tough. Sorry you’ve had such a hard time. I really hope it all works out in the end. Nice to know you met someone else though. X

  2. I could have written this. ExH remarried without telling kids or me till after the fact. She was the OW. I did think about warning her about the emotional abuse too.
    They are now expecting a baby.

    Hope you find lasting happiness.

    • Thanks for your comment Laura. Sorry to hear you’ve had a hard time of it too. I dread the news of a baby on the way. I hope you’re in a good place now and also find lasting happiness x

  3. Anger is an emotion and you’ve allowed yourself to feel it as it’s completely justifiable.
    Bet she has hairy toes anway 😉

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