Such A Boy: Gender Stereotypes

Apparently you’re such a boy,

so they tell me.

You eat dirt, such a boy

You kick balls, such a boy

You love anything that moves – like bikes and buses and automobiles.

You love to run and jump and climb.


You’re such a boy,

I hear it everyday.

So do you.


But why,

does no one ever notice the other things you do?

Like stroke my hair,

Smell the flowers,

Or feed your baby dolls.

You love to look at butterflies and dance and skip.

You cuddle your teddies and tuck them up to sleep.


If you were a girl, that’s what they would notice.

But they don’t.

Luckily for you,

I do.

such a boy

If you liked this post, you may also like my post on Gender Stereotypes: Colour Coding Children; When my Son Wears a Skirt and 10 Ways I’m Raising a Feminist Son.

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